
postings of old papers & pictures I have saved or inherited.

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Location: United States

Endometrial Cancer Fighter. Cant' call me a survivor until 2012.

Monday, July 18, 2005

More pictures

I want to reassure everyone that I will not post current pictures or type out full names of living persons on this blog without permission. The ones I have posted so far are at least 30 years in the past. If anyone is unhappy with having an old picture of them posted, please contact me or leave a (polite) comment and I'll take it down as soon as I can.

Now, on to the fun.

My cousin Chris. He's the cousin nearest me in age. Not sure the date of this, probably sometime in the 1960's.

Daddy building our treehouse, and we're helping. :) The boy is our newphew, Joe. Not sure which of the girls is me and which is my sister Jane. All of us girls look alike and were so close in age it's hard to know who is who.

More of the treehouse.. with oldest sister Sue holding Sandra up so she can see what's going on. Notice the date at the top of the picture. May 1965.. must've been when pic was developed??

Joe, ready for a game. My son looks a lot like Joe.

Joe & Sandra. Not sure of the date, but I think I recognize the house as the one in Ft. Meade.

I think this was also taken in Ft Meade. If not Ft Meade it was definitely in South Florida. I remember Grandma borrowing someone's adult tricycle to try out, considering getting her one to use where she lived in Lake Butler, but the final concensus was that there was too much traffic on the main drag in LB. Funny to think that 40 years ago there was too much traffic.

Me.. what age? I'm guessing 5.

And here's me again about 10 years later at my Aunt Atalyne's and Uncle Buster's house for my Grandmother's birthday. I think we had decided she was 83. No one was quite sure how old she was. I don't remember hearing why there wasn't a birth certificate, but likely Grandma was born at home and who know where it was recorded, or if it was.


Blogger EditorialZ said...

Nice and strange , funy and stressful! Thanks

11:33 AM  

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